6 Hours Prior to Kickoff 

  • Parking Lots Open

4.5 hours prior to kickoff

  • Shuttle Buses Begin Running


3 hours prior to kickoff

  • Cadet Review on "The Plain"
    One of the time honored traditions of a Army West Point game day, a full-dress cadet parade takes place on "The Plain" three hours prior to kickoff (weather permitting) for every home game.

3 hours prior to kickoff - Black Knights Alley Opens

  • Black Knights Alley is the Fan Fest that runs on Howze Field, between the Foley Center and Michie Stadium. Black Knights Alley features live music, inflatable's for kids, face painting, tailgate show, as well as other vendors. Black Knights Alley is open until kickoff.


2.5 hours prior to kickoff - Pre-Paid Ticket Will Call Window Opens

  • The Pre-Paid Ticket Will Call Window is located at the Holleder Center (across from Michie Stadium). This window is for people that have purchased tickets within 10 days prior to the game, or have made other arrangements in advance.


2 hours prior to kickoff - Michie Stadium & Gameday Ticket Window Opens

  • Two hours prior to kickoff, the gates open along with everything else that Michie Stadium has to offer, including the concessions and merchandise stands. Gameday ticket purchases can be done at the ticket office in the Holleder Center.


20 minutes prior to kickoff - Band Takes Field/National Anthem

  • Approximately 20 minutes before kickoff a member of the Cadet Glee Club and the Army Band perform the National Anthem.


10 minutes prior to kickoff - Parachute Demonstration

  • A fan favorite portion of the game, look skyward as you see West Point cadets jump from a helicopter and land minutes later on the field as they parachute in the official game ball and flags approximately 10 minutes before kickoff (weather permitting).


2 minutes prior to kickoff - Army West Point Takes the Field

  • The Black Knights are led out of the tunnel by the Rabble Rousers, mascots, American flag, and a flag representing that week's unit insignia.

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